Source code for dbio.dss

Data Storage System
import errno
import functools
import json
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
import concurrent.futures
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
import hashlib
import os
import re
import tempfile
import time
import uuid
from io import open

import requests
from atomicwrites import atomic_write
from requests.exceptions import ChunkedEncodingError, ConnectionError, ReadTimeout

from dbio.dss.util import iter_paths, object_name_builder, hardlink, atomic_overwrite
from glob import escape as glob_escape
from dbio.util import tsv
from ..util import SwaggerClient, DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT
from ..util.exceptions import SwaggerAPIException
from .. import logger
from .upload_to_cloud import upload_to_cloud

[docs]class DSSFile(namedtuple('DSSFile', ['name', 'uuid', 'version', 'sha256', 'size', 'indexed', 'replica'])): """ Local representation of a file on the DSS """ @classmethod def from_manifest_row(cls, row, replica): return cls(name=row['file_name'], uuid=row['file_uuid'], version=row['file_version'], sha256=row['file_sha256'], size=row['file_size'], indexed=False, replica=replica) @classmethod def from_dss_bundle_response(cls, file_dict, replica): return cls(name=file_dict['name'], uuid=file_dict['uuid'], version=file_dict['version'], sha256=file_dict['sha256'], size=file_dict['size'], indexed=file_dict['indexed'], replica=replica)
[docs] @classmethod def for_bundle_manifest(cls, manifest_bytes, bundle_uuid, version, replica): """ Even though the bundle manifest is not a DSS file, we need to wrap its info in a DSSFile object for consistency and logging purposes. """ return cls(name='bundle.json', uuid=bundle_uuid, version=version, sha256=hashlib.sha256(manifest_bytes).hexdigest(), size=len(manifest_bytes), indexed=False, replica=replica)
[docs]class DSSClient(SwaggerClient): """ Client for the Data Storage Service API """ # Note: there are more API methods available than are defined here. # See docstring in ``dbio/util/``. UPLOAD_BACKOFF_FACTOR = 1.618 threads = DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DSSClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.commands += [self.upload,, self.download_manifest, self.create_version, self.download_collection]
[docs] def create_version(self): """ Prints a timestamp that can be used for versioning """ print(self._create_version())
def _create_version(self): return datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S.%fZ")
[docs] def upload(self, src_dir, replica, staging_bucket, timeout_seconds=1200, no_progress=False, bundle_uuid=None): """ Upload a directory of files from the local filesystem and create a bundle containing the uploaded files. :param str src_dir: file path to a directory of files to upload to the replica. :param str replica: the replica to upload to. The supported replicas are: `aws` for Amazon Web Services, and `gcp` for Google Cloud Platform. [aws, gcp] :param str staging_bucket: a client controlled AWS S3 storage bucket to upload from. :param int timeout_seconds: the time to wait for a file to upload to replica. :param bool no_progress: if set, will not report upload progress. Note that even if this flag is not set, progress will not be reported if the logging level is higher than INFO or if the session is not interactive. Upload a directory of files from the local filesystem and create a bundle containing the uploaded files. This method requires the use of a client-controlled object storage bucket to stage the data for upload. """ bundle_uuid = bundle_uuid if bundle_uuid else str(uuid.uuid4()) version = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S.%fZ") files_to_upload, files_uploaded = [], [] for filename in iter_paths(src_dir): full_file_name = filename.path files_to_upload.append(open(full_file_name, "rb"))"Uploading %i files from %s to %s", len(files_to_upload), src_dir, staging_bucket) file_uuids, uploaded_keys, abs_file_paths = upload_to_cloud(files_to_upload, staging_bucket=staging_bucket, replica=replica, from_cloud=False, log_progress=not no_progress) for file_handle in files_to_upload: file_handle.close() filenames = [object_name_builder(p, src_dir) for p in abs_file_paths] filename_key_list = list(zip(filenames, file_uuids, uploaded_keys)) for filename, file_uuid, key in filename_key_list: filename = filename.replace('\\', '/') # for windows paths if filename.startswith('/'): filename = filename.lstrip('/')"File %s: registering...", filename) # Generating file data creator_uid = self.config.get("creator_uid", 0) source_url = "s3://{}/{}".format(staging_bucket, key)"File %s: registering from %s -> uuid %s", filename, source_url, file_uuid) response = self.put_file._request(dict( uuid=file_uuid, bundle_uuid=bundle_uuid, version=version, creator_uid=creator_uid, source_url=source_url )) files_uploaded.append(dict(name=filename, version=version, uuid=file_uuid, creator_uid=creator_uid)) if response.status_code in (,"File %s: Sync copy -> %s", filename, version) else: assert response.status_code =="File %s: Async copy -> %s", filename, version) timeout = time.time() + timeout_seconds wait = 1.0 while time.time() < timeout: try: self.head_file(uuid=file_uuid, replica="aws", version=version) break except SwaggerAPIException as e: if e.code != msg = "File {}: Unexpected server response during registration" req_id = 'X-AWS-REQUEST-ID: {}'.format(response.headers.get("X-AWS-REQUEST-ID")) raise RuntimeError(msg.format(filename), req_id) time.sleep(wait) wait = min(60.0, wait * self.UPLOAD_BACKOFF_FACTOR) else: # timed out. :( req_id = 'X-AWS-REQUEST-ID: {}'.format(response.headers.get("X-AWS-REQUEST-ID")) raise RuntimeError("File {}: registration FAILED".format(filename), req_id) logger.debug("Successfully uploaded file") file_args = [{'indexed': file_["name"].endswith(".json"), 'name': file_['name'], 'version': file_['version'], 'uuid': file_['uuid']} for file_ in files_uploaded]"%s", "Bundle {}: Registering...".format(bundle_uuid)) response = self.put_bundle(uuid=bundle_uuid, version=version, replica=replica, creator_uid=creator_uid, files=file_args)"%s", "Bundle {}: Registered successfully".format(bundle_uuid)) return { "bundle_uuid": bundle_uuid, "creator_uid": creator_uid, "replica": replica, "version": response["version"], "files": files_uploaded }
[docs] def download(self, bundle_uuid, replica, version="", download_dir="", metadata_filter=('*',), data_filter=('*',), no_metadata=False, no_data=False, num_retries=10, min_delay_seconds=0.25): """ Download a bundle and save it to the local filesystem as a directory. :param str bundle_uuid: The uuid of the bundle to download :param str replica: the replica to download from. The supported replicas are: `aws` for Amazon Web Services, and `gcp` for Google Cloud Platform. [aws, gcp] :param str version: The version to download, else if not specified, download the latest. The version is a timestamp of bundle creation in RFC3339 :param str download_dir: The directory into which to download :param iterable metadata_filter: One or more shell patterns against which all metadata files in the bundle will be matched case-sensitively. A file is considered a metadata file if the `indexed` property in the manifest is set. If and only if a metadata file matches any of the patterns in `metadata_files` will it be downloaded. :param iterable data_filter: One or more shell patterns against which all data files in the bundle will be matched case-sensitively. A file is considered a data file if the `indexed` property in the manifest is not set. The file will be downloaded only if a data file matches any of the patterns in `data_files` will it be downloaded. :param no_metadata: Exclude metadata files. Cannot be set when --metadata-filter is also set. :param no_data: Exclude data files. Cannot be set when --data-filter is also set. :param int num_retries: The initial quota of download failures to accept before exiting due to failures. The number of retries increase and decrease as file chucks succeed and fail. :param float min_delay_seconds: The minimum number of seconds to wait in between retries. Download a bundle and save it to the local filesystem as a directory. By default, all data and metadata files are downloaded. To disable the downloading of data, use the `--no-data` flag if using the CLI or pass the `no_data=True` argument if calling the `download()` API method. Likewise, to disable the downloading of metadata, use the `--no-metadata` flag for the CLI or pass the `no_metadata=True` argument if calling the `download()` API method. If a retryable exception occurs, we wait a bit and retry again. The delay increases each time we fail and decreases each time we successfully read a block. We set a quota for the number of failures that goes up with every successful block read and down with each failure. """ if no_metadata: if metadata_filter != ('*',): raise ValueError('--metadata-filter and --no-metadata are mutually exclusive options.') metadata_filter = ('',) if no_data: if data_filter != ('*',): raise ValueError('--data-filter and --no-data are mutually exclusive options.') data_filter = ('',) context = DownloadContext(download_dir=download_dir, dss_client=self, replica=replica, num_retries=num_retries, min_delay_seconds=min_delay_seconds) with context.runner: context.download_bundle(bundle_uuid, version, metadata_filter, data_filter)
[docs] def download_manifest(self, manifest, replica, layout='none', no_metadata=False, no_data=False, num_retries=10, min_delay_seconds=0.25, download_dir=''): """ Process the given manifest file in TSV (tab-separated values) format and download the files referenced by it. :param str layout: The layout of the downloaded files. Currently two options are supported, 'none' (the default), and 'bundle'. :param str manifest: The path to a TSV (tab-separated values) file listing files to download. If the directory for download already contains the manifest, the manifest will be overwritten to include a column with paths into the filestore. :param str replica: The replica from which to download. The supported replicas are: `aws` for Amazon Web Services, and `gcp` for Google Cloud Platform. [aws, gcp] :param no_metadata: Exclude metadata files. Cannot be set when --metadata-filter is also set. :param no_data: Exclude data files. Cannot be set when --data-filter is also set. :param int num_retries: The initial quota of download failures to accept before exiting due to failures. The number of retries increase and decrease as file chucks succeed and fail. :param float min_delay_seconds: The minimum number of seconds to wait in between retries for downloading any file :param str download_dir: The directory into which to download Files are always downloaded to a cache / filestore directory called '.dbio'. This directory is created in the current directory where download is initiated. A copy of the manifest used is also written to the current directory. This manifest has an added column that lists the paths of the files within the '.dbio' filestore. The default layout is **none**. In this layout all of the files are downloaded to the filestore and the recommended way of accessing the files in by parsing the manifest copy that's written to the download directory. The bundle layout still downloads all of files to the filestore. For each bundle mentioned in the manifest a directory is created. All relevant metadata files for each bundle are linked into these directories in addition to relevant data files mentioned in the manifest. Each row in the manifest represents one file in DSS. The manifest must have a header row. The header row must declare the following columns: - `bundle_uuid` - the UUID of the bundle containing the file in DSS. - `bundle_version` - the version of the bundle containing the file in DSS. - `file_name` - the name of the file as specified in the bundle. - `file_uuid` - the UUID of the file in the DSS. - `file_sha256` - the SHA-256 hash of the file. - `file_size` - the size of the file. The TSV may have additional columns. Those columns will be ignored. The ordering of the columns is insignificant because the TSV is required to have a header row. This download format will serve as the main storage format for downloaded files. If a user specifies a different format for download (coming in the future) the files will first be downloaded in this format, then hard-linked to the user's preferred format. """ context = ManifestDownloadContext(manifest=manifest, download_dir=download_dir, dss_client=self, replica=replica, num_retries=num_retries, min_delay_seconds=min_delay_seconds) if layout == 'none': if no_metadata or no_data: raise ValueError("--no-metadata and --no-data are only compatible with the 'bundle' layout") context.download_manifest() elif layout == 'bundle': context.download_manifest_bundle_layout(no_metadata, no_data) else: raise ValueError('Invalid layout {} not one of [none, bundle]'.format(layout))
def _serialize_col_to_manifest(self, uuid, replica, version): """ Given a collection UUID, uses GET `/collection/{uuid}` to serialize the collection into a set of dicts that that can be used to generate a manifest file. Most of the heavy lifting is handled by :meth:`DSSClient.download_manifest`. :param uuid: uuid of the collection to serialize :param replica: replica to query against :param version: version of the specified collection """ errors = 0 rows = [] seen = [] col = self.get_collection(uuid=uuid, replica=replica, version=version)['contents'] context = DownloadContext(download_dir=None, dss_client=self, replica=replica, num_retries=0, min_delay_seconds=0) while col: obj = col.pop() if obj['type'] == 'file': # Currently cannot download files not associated with a # bundle. This is a limitation of :meth:`download_manifest` errors += 1 logger.warning("Failed to download file %s version %s", obj['uuid'], obj['version']) elif obj['type'] == 'collection': if (obj['uuid'], obj['version']) in seen:"Ignoring already-seen collection %s version %s", obj['uuid'], obj['version']) continue seen.append((obj['uuid'], obj['version'])) col.extend(self.get_collection(uuid=obj['uuid'], replica=replica, version=obj.get('version', ''))['contents']) elif obj['type'] == 'bundle': bundle = context._get_full_bundle_manifest(bundle_uuid=obj['uuid'], version=obj['version']) rows.extend(({ 'bundle_uuid': obj['uuid'], 'bundle_version': obj.get('version', None), 'file_name': f['name'], 'file_sha256': f['sha256'], 'file_uuid': f['uuid'], 'file_size': f['size'], 'file_version': f['version']} for f in bundle['bundle']['files'])) else: errors += 1 logger.warning("Failed to download file %s version %s", obj['uuid'], obj['version']) if errors: raise RuntimeError("%d download failure(s)..." % errors) return rows
[docs] def download_collection(self, uuid, replica, version=None, download_dir=''): """ Download a bundle and save it to the local filesystem as a directory. :param str uuid: The uuid of the collection to download :param str replica: the replica to download from. The supported replicas are: `aws` for Amazon Web Services, and `gcp` for Google Cloud Platform. [aws, gcp] :param str version: The version to download, else if not specified, download the latest. The version is a timestamp of bundle creation in RFC3339 :param str download_dir: The directory into which to download Download a bundle and save it to the local filesystem as a directory. """ collection = self._serialize_col_to_manifest(uuid, replica, version) # Explicitly declare mode `w` (default `w+b`) for Python 3 string compat with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as manifest: writer = tsv.DictWriter(manifest, fieldnames=('bundle_uuid', 'bundle_version', 'file_name', 'file_sha256', 'file_uuid', 'file_version', 'file_size')) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(collection) # Flushing the I/O buffer here is preferable to closing the file # handle and deleting the temporary file later because within the # context manager there is a guarantee that the temporary file # will be deleted when we are done manifest.flush() self.download_manifest(, replica=replica, download_dir=download_dir, layout='bundle')
[docs]class TaskRunner(object): """ A wrapper for ThreadPoolExecutor that tracks futures for you and allows dynamic submission of tasks. """ def __init__(self, threads=DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT): self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) self._futures = set() self._errors = 0 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.wait_for_futures() self._executor.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.raise_if_errors() return False
[docs] def submit(self, info, task, *args, **kwargs): """ Add task to be run. Should only be called from the main thread or from tasks submitted by this method. :param info: Something printable :param task: A callable """ future = self._executor.submit(task, *args, **kwargs) self._futures.add(future) def process_future(f): e = f.exception() if e: self._errors += 1 logger.warning('Download task failed: %r', info, exc_info=e) future.add_done_callback(process_future)
[docs] def wait_for_futures(self): """ Wait for all submitted futures to finish. Should only be called from the main thread. """ # This loop is necessary because futures are being dynamically added while self._futures: completed_futures = concurrent.futures.as_completed(self._futures) self._futures.difference_update(completed_futures)
def raise_if_errors(self): if self._errors: raise RuntimeError('{} download task(s) failed.'.format(self._errors))
class DownloadContext(object): # This variable is the configuration for download_manifest_v2. It specifies the length of the names of nested # directories for downloaded files. DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTHS = [2, 4] def __init__(self, download_dir, dss_client, replica, num_retries, min_delay_seconds): self.runner = TaskRunner() self.download_dir = download_dir self.dss_client = dss_client self.replica = replica self.num_retries = num_retries self.min_delay_seconds = min_delay_seconds def download_bundle(self, bundle_uuid, version="", metadata_filter=('*',), data_filter=('*',)): """ Returns an iterator of tasks that each download one of the files in a bundle. Note that this method can only be used once per instantiation of context """'Downloading bundle %s version %s ...', bundle_uuid, version) manifest = self._get_full_bundle_manifest(bundle_uuid, version) bundle_version = manifest['bundle']['version'] bundle_fqid = bundle_uuid + '.' + bundle_version bundle_dir = os.path.join(self.download_dir, bundle_fqid) # Download bundle.json (manifest for bundle as a file) manifest_bytes = json.dumps(manifest, indent=4, sort_keys=True).encode() manifest_dss_file = DSSFile.for_bundle_manifest(manifest_bytes, bundle_uuid, bundle_version, self.replica) task = functools.partial(self._download_bundle_manifest, manifest_bytes, bundle_dir, manifest_dss_file) self.runner.submit(manifest_dss_file, task) for file_ in manifest['bundle']['files']: dss_file = DSSFile.from_dss_bundle_response(file_, self.replica) filename = file_.get("name", dss_file.uuid) walking_dir = bundle_dir globs = metadata_filter if file_['indexed'] else data_filter if not any(fnmatchcase(filename, glob) for glob in globs): continue intermediate_path, filename_base = os.path.split(filename) if intermediate_path: walking_dir = os.path.join(walking_dir, intermediate_path)"File %s: Retrieving...", filename) file_path = os.path.join(walking_dir, filename_base) task = functools.partial(self._download_and_link_to_filestore, dss_file, file_path) self.runner.submit(dss_file, task) def _download_bundle_manifest(self, manifest_bytes, bundle_dir, dss_file): dest_path = self._file_path(dss_file.sha256, self.download_dir) if os.path.exists(dest_path):"Skipping download of '%s' because it already exists at '%s'.",, dest_path) else: self._make_dirs_if_necessary(dest_path) with atomic_overwrite(dest_path, mode="wb") as fh: fh.write(manifest_bytes) file_path = os.path.join(bundle_dir, self._make_dirs_if_necessary(file_path) hardlink(dest_path, file_path) def _get_full_bundle_manifest(self, bundle_uuid, version): """ Takes care of paging through the bundle and checks for name collisions. """ pages = self.dss_client.get_bundle.paginate(uuid=bundle_uuid, version=version if version else None, replica=self.replica) files = {} ordered_files = [] for page in pages: ordered_files += page['bundle']['files'] for file_ in page['bundle']['files']: # The file name collision check is case-insensitive even if the local file system we're running on is # case-sensitive. We do this in order to get consistent download behavior on all operating systems and # file systems. The case of file names downloaded to a case-sensitive system will still match exactly # what's specified in the bundle manifest. We just don't want a bundle with files 'Foo' and 'foo' to # create two files on one system and one file on the other. Allowing this to happen would, in the best # case, overwrite Foo with foo locally. A resumed download could produce a local file called foo that # contains a mix of data from Foo and foo. filename = file_.get("name", file_["uuid"]).lower() if files.setdefault(filename, file_) is not file_: raise ValueError("Bundle {bundle_uuid} version {version} contains multiple files named " "'{filename}' or a case derivation thereof" .format(filename=filename, bundle_uuid=bundle_uuid, version=version)) manifest = page # there will always be one page (or else we would have gotten a 404) # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable manifest['bundle']['files'] = ordered_files return manifest def _download_to_filestore(self, dss_file): """ Attempt to download the data and save it in the 'filestore' location dictated by self._file_path() """ dest_path = self._file_path(dss_file.sha256, self.download_dir) if os.path.exists(dest_path):"Skipping download of '%s' because it already exists at '%s'.",, dest_path) else: logger.debug("Downloading '%s' to '%s'.",, dest_path) self._download_file(dss_file, dest_path)"Download '%s' to '%s'.",, dest_path) return dest_path def _download_and_link_to_filestore(self, dss_file, file_path): file_store_path = self._download_to_filestore(dss_file) self._make_dirs_if_necessary(file_path) hardlink(file_store_path, file_path) def _download_file(self, dss_file, dest_path): """ Attempt to download the data. If a retryable exception occurs, we wait a bit and retry again. The delay increases each time we fail and decreases each time we successfully read a block. We set a quota for the number of failures that goes up with every successful block read and down with each failure. If we can, we will attempt HTTP resume. However, we verify that the server supports HTTP resume. If the ranged get doesn't yield the correct header, then we start over. """ self._make_dirs_if_necessary(dest_path) with atomic_overwrite(dest_path, mode="wb") as fh: if dss_file.size == 0: return download_hash = self._do_download_file(dss_file, fh) if download_hash.lower() != dss_file.sha256.lower(): # No need to delete what's been written. atomic_overwrite ensures we're cleaned up logger.error("%s", "File {}: GET FAILED. Checksum mismatch.".format(dss_file.uuid)) raise ValueError("Expected sha256 {} Received sha256 {}".format( dss_file.sha256.lower(), download_hash.lower())) @classmethod def _make_dirs_if_necessary(cls, dest_path): directory, _ = os.path.split(dest_path) if directory: try: os.makedirs(directory) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def _do_download_file(self, dss_file, fh): """ Abstracts away complications for downloading a file, handles retries and delays, and computes its hash """ hasher = hashlib.sha256() delay = self.min_delay_seconds retries_left = self.num_retries while True: try: response = self.dss_client.get_file._request( dict(uuid=dss_file.uuid, version=dss_file.version, replica=dss_file.replica), stream=True, headers={ 'Range': "bytes={}-".format(fh.tell()) }, ) try: if not response.ok: logger.error("%s", "File {}: GET FAILED.".format(dss_file.uuid)) logger.error("%s", "Response: {}".format(response.text)) break consume_bytes = int(fh.tell()) server_start = 0 content_range_header = response.headers.get('Content-Range', None) if content_range_header is not None: cre = re.compile(r"bytes (\d+)-(\d+)") mo = if mo is not None: server_start = int( consume_bytes -= server_start assert consume_bytes >= 0 if server_start > 0 and consume_bytes == 0:"%s", "File {}: Resuming at {}.".format( dss_file.uuid, server_start)) elif consume_bytes > 0:"%s", "File {}: Resuming at {}. Dropping {} bytes to match".format( dss_file.uuid, server_start, consume_bytes)) while consume_bytes > 0: bytes_to_read = min(consume_bytes, 1024 * 1024) content = response.iter_content(chunk_size=bytes_to_read) chunk = next(content) if chunk: consume_bytes -= len(chunk) for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024): if chunk: fh.write(chunk) hasher.update(chunk) retries_left = min(retries_left + 1, self.num_retries) delay = max(delay / 2, self.min_delay_seconds) break finally: response.close() except (ChunkedEncodingError, ConnectionError, ReadTimeout): if retries_left > 0:"%s", "File {}: GET FAILED. Attempting to resume.".format(dss_file.uuid)) time.sleep(delay) delay *= 2 retries_left -= 1 continue raise return hasher.hexdigest() @classmethod def _file_path(cls, checksum, download_dir): """ returns a file's relative local path based on the nesting parameters and the files hash :param checksum: a string checksum :param download_dir: root directory for filestore :return: relative Path object """ checksum = checksum.lower() file_prefix = '_'.join(['files'] + list(map(str, cls.DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTHS))) path_pieces = [download_dir, '.dbio', 'v2', file_prefix] checksum_index = 0 assert(sum(cls.DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTHS) <= len(checksum)) for prefix_length in cls.DIRECTORY_NAME_LENGTHS: path_pieces.append(checksum[checksum_index:(checksum_index + prefix_length)]) checksum_index += prefix_length path_pieces.append(checksum) return os.path.join(*path_pieces) class ManifestDownloadContext(DownloadContext): def __init__(self, manifest, *args, **kwargs): super(ManifestDownloadContext, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.manifest = manifest def download_manifest(self): """ Download the manifest Note that this method can only be used once per instantiation of context. """ fieldnames, rows = self._parse_manifest(self.manifest) with self.runner: for row in rows: dss_file = DSSFile.from_manifest_row(row, self.replica) self.runner.submit(dss_file, self._download_to_filestore, dss_file) self._write_output_manifest() def download_manifest_bundle_layout(self, no_metadata, no_data): """ Download the manifest, with into the filestore. Note that this method can only be used once per instantiation of context. """ with self.runner: self._download_manifest_tasks(no_metadata, no_data) self._write_output_manifest()'Primary copies of the files have been downloaded to `.dbio` and linked ' 'into per-bundle subdirectories of the current directory.') def _download_manifest_tasks(self, no_metadata, no_data): with open(self.manifest) as f: bundles = defaultdict(set) # unicode_literals is on so all strings are unicode. CSV wants a str so we need to jump through a hoop. reader = tsv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: bundles[(row['bundle_uuid'], row['bundle_version'])].add(row['file_name']) for (bundle_uuid, bundle_version), data_files in bundles.items(): if no_data: data_filter = ('',) else: data_filter = tuple(glob_escape(file_name) for file_name in data_files if file_name) if no_metadata: metadata_filter = ('',) else: metadata_filter = ('*',) task = functools.partial(self.download_bundle, bundle_uuid, data_filter=data_filter, metadata_filter=metadata_filter) self.runner.submit(bundle_uuid, task) def _write_output_manifest(self): """ Adds the file path column to the manifest and writes the copy to the current directory. If the original manifest is in the current directory it is overwritten with a warning. """ output = os.path.basename(self.manifest) fieldnames, source_manifest = self._parse_manifest(self.manifest) if 'file_path' not in fieldnames: fieldnames.append('file_path') with atomic_write(output, overwrite=True, newline='') as f: writer = tsv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames) writer.writeheader() for row in source_manifest: row['file_path'] = self._file_path(row['file_sha256'], self.download_dir) writer.writerow(row) if os.path.isfile(output): logger.warning('Overwriting manifest %s', output)'Rewrote manifest %s with additional column containing path to downloaded files.', output) @classmethod def _parse_manifest(cls, manifest): with open(manifest) as f: reader = tsv.DictReader(f) return reader.fieldnames, list(reader)